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A TCA peel is a type of chemical peel that uses trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to remove the top layer of skin. It is a stronger peel than a glycolic peel and is used to treat more severe skin problems such as deep wrinkles, acne scarring, and sun damage.

A TCA peel works by damaging the skin’s top layer, causing it to peel off. This reveals the new, underlying skin, which is often smoother and more radiant. (a glowing appearance)

The primary ingredient in a TCA chemical peel is trichloroacetic acid, a derivative of vinegar, and it exists in concentrations of 15–70%. These peels can be applied in a variety of strengths (from light to medium) and may be customized by the use of pre-treatment agents prior to treatment as well as the number of layers applied during treatment. TCA peels are applied to remove the uppermost layer of skin (epidermis) from the face, neck, hands, and other parts of the body. TCA peels use chemical exfoliation to remove dead skin cells from the treatment area, reducing the appearance and visibility of acne scars, sun damage, melasma, and hyperpigmentation while exposing a brand-new, unblemished layer of skin underneath.

A TCA peel is performed by our trained staff at Victory Naples.  The treatment itself only takes about an hour and requires a few days of recovery time where your skin will peel and might be red. As the skin peels, new and younger skin appears that is glowing and radiant.  TCA Peel is great for combating wrinkles and fine lines.

TCA Peel For Wrinkles and Victory Wellness Naples 

If you’re looking to improve the appearance of your skin, a TCA peel may be a good option. A TCA peel can improve the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, and other signs of aging.

There are multiple TCA peel benefits that can help patients improve the visible appearance of their skin. TCA peels are most commonly used to treat the skin on the face and neck, but they may also be used on the chest, back, arms, and legs, or other areas of the body frequently exposed to sunlight. Depending on the strength of the chemical peel, those containing TCA can help you achieve the following benefits with noticeable improvements to the skin.

  • Reduced brown spots and age spots
  • Improved texture of leathery, sun-damaged skin
  • Reduced appearance of certain types of acne
  • Fewer fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improved appearance of skin with melasma
  • Increased skin elasticity and hydration
  • A glowing younger appearance


TCA peel is a chemical peel that uses trichloroacetic acid to exfoliate the skin. It is a medium-depth peel that is typically used to treat sun damage, age spots, and acne scars.

If you are interested in TCA peels, contact us on the form below.